Managing Risks to Good Governance: Key for Keeping COVID-19 Vaccination on Track
Patricio V. Marquez and Betty Hanan
A Perspective on the AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Uncertainty
Patricio V Marquez and Albert Figueras*
Time to Address the High Cost of Insulin in the United States and Other Countries
The Biden Administration recently announced that it is delaying until March 22, 2021 the application of the former administration’s drug regulation adopted in December 2020, that requires community health centers to pass on all their insulin and epinephrine discount savings to patients.
The Deadly Risk of Hospital-Acquired Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance for COVID-19 Patients
Patricio V. Marquez and Albert Figueras
As of mid-February 2021, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in more than 108 million confirmed cases and over 2.3 million deaths. The surging patient caseloads hospitalized or admitted to intensive care units (ICU) have pushed hospitals and ICU closer to 100% capacity in many countries, creating an extraordinary strain on resources and personnel and making quality-of-care standards harder to maintain.
COVID-19 Vaccination: Israel, United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain are Showing the Way Forward
Patricio V. Marquez, Betty Hanan, Giovanni S. Marquez
Perspectives on Global Public Health and Other Issues. Vol. II.
Collection of blogs posted in different sites on global public health and other issues over the October 2019 and December 2020 period. To read:
How to Defeat COVID-19? Some Lessons from the Global Smallpox Eradication and the Polio-Free Effort in the Americas
Patricio V Marquez, Betty Hanan, Giovanni S Marquez
A Few Reflections to Close the Year of COVID-19
“It was undoubtedly the feeling of exile—that sensation of a void within which never left us, that irrational longing to hark back to the past or else to speed up the march of time, and those keen shafts of memory that stung like fire.”
Albert Camus (1957 Nobel Prize Laureate for Literature). The Plague.
Some Reflections on World AIDS Day 2020 Amidst COVID-19
A lot has been accomplished over the past 20 years in the fight against HIV and AIDS. According to UNAIDS data, of the 38 million people living with HIV, 25.4 million people are now on treatment. New HIV infections have been reduced by 23% since 2010, largely due to a substantial decrease of 38% in Eastern and Southern Africa.