Patricio V. Marquez

International Women's Day 2022: Healthy Women are the Bedrock of Sustainable Development and Prosperous Societies

The global community comes together on March 8th to celebrate this year's International Women's Day under the United Nations (UN) theme "Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow”.  This is the time to celebrate women's achievements and contributions to our individual lives and to the wellbeing of society as a whole. 

The value of a regional harmonized approach in monitoring the safety of vaccines and other medicines

The original version of this blog was posted at the World Bank Group Investing in Health site, on February 8, 2022, at:

The experience of EMA showcases the value of building institutions and systems to monitor the safety of marketed medicines

Mental Health and Wellbeing at the Workplace: Creating “Shared Value” in the Age of COVID-19

   Patricio V Marquez and Betty Hanan

The “Great Resignation”, a trend in which a large number of people voluntarily resign from their jobs, beginning in early 2021, primarily in the United States and other rich countries, has been one of the ripple effects of the disruption from the COVID

To the COP26 Summit in Glasgow: Moving to “Tobacco-Free Finance” is Good for Public Health and the Environment

Climate change is one of the greatest risks and development challenges of our time.  Under the UK  Presidency, the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) is being held in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021, bringing together world leaders.  By completing unresolved issues and reinforcing commitment to implementing the Paris Agreement (a legally binding international treaty that entered into force in 2016), countries